Sunday, March 23, 2008

Sketches of Boys 少年のスケッチ

Two of the three pictures is the older of my younger brothers. In one he's drawing, in the other he's playing Guitar Hero (video game). The small boy is my mom's friend's kid and is watching the TV (picturing the Guitar Hero screen).
Time: 3min each
Material: HB Pencil

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Lines, Stripes and Color 線と幅と色


絵の画材などを売っている店でちょうど合うフレームがあったのですぐ買いました。家族が「かっこいい。絶対1000ドル以上の値がつく」と言ってくれたときはお世辞でも嬉しかったです...絵自体の画材は5ドルもかけてないのに... 「どっかのお金持ちの生活感が無い家にでも置いてありそう」か...



I painted this on a mat board, not a canvas. Because I got the board for free, I painted on it spontaneously and without thinking. I tried to make dirty colors, but people tell me they're "pretty colors."

I found a frame that fit it nicely so it was bought immediately. My parents told me "It looks very cool. It should be at least 1000 dollars." ...I was happy, even if they may have been simply exaggerating... But I've only spent less than $5 on the materials besides the frame!

My dad says "the white lines are nice. Without them, the picture would be kind of restless." Really...?

Time: 30min
Material: Acrylic

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Sunday, March 02, 2008

Violinist's Corner バイオリニストのコーナー

画材:水彩画用絵の具 (鉛筆で下書きをせずに描いた。難しい。)
I collected violin-related things and laid them out. On the table is a tuner, extra strings, rosin, a broken chinrest leg, a tuning fork and something that holds the strings, I think. The tablecloth was really checkered, but I got lazy...
Time: 1 hour
Material: Watercolor paint (I painted without drawing a sketch with pencils underneath. It was hard.)

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Saturday, March 01, 2008

バイオリンを弾く少年 A Boy Playing a Violin

A quick watercolor painting of my brother. I was working on a similar acrylic painting, and I wanted to take a break from that. I love being able to use the paper white when using watercolors...
Time: 30min
Material: Watercolor Colored Pencil, Watercolor Paint

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