Sunday, November 18, 2007

Cousin 従姉妹

This is my 3-year-old cousin. My uncle (her dad) sent us a photo by e-mail of them picking marons (kind of chestnut) at me and her grandparent's house. This was fun to draw, because she is soooooooo cute!!

As an experiment, I scanned the picture while I was still working on it. How is it??

Time: about 4hr
Material: Watercolor Paint, Watercolor Colored Pencil




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Monday, November 05, 2007

Classmate 9 クラスメート9

A young Indian (as in India, not Native American) boy who attends the art studio I go to. He modeled for 10min, and he was pretty good at staying still.
Time: 10min
Material: HB Pencil

Sorry I haven't been uploading things for a while. I am concentrating on working on a large acrylic painting, which is the second acrylic work I've ever done. When I'm finished, I'll upload that, but please don't expect anything good. I'm still a beginner.



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